#1: A little about us- A lightweight backpackers story on how I opened an online shop

#1: A little about us- A lightweight backpackers story on how I opened an online shop

Turning a Passion into Reality

“I want to make this more than just a hobby.” This thought struck me during one of our hikes in the Lake District, atop one of the many glorious mountains. As I looked over the valleys and spectacular views, I knew I wanted to do something within the ultralight backpacking and hiking field for a living. But how could I turn this thought into reality?

Finding My Path

The first step was figuring out what kind of job I wanted in the industry. After brainstorming, I came up with only two options: becoming a guide or a content creator. However, neither were viable. Why? Firstly, I don’t live close enough to any mountain range to travel there daily. Some might say, “move closer, follow your dreams.” But with two young children, moving away from family wasn’t an option. Traveling 2-3 hours each day to the Lake District, where I’ve had most of my amazing trips, would be too much. Secondly, I couldn’t become a content creator because I couldn’t access the fells regularly, and I have no clue how to use a camera. So, I had to think outside the box.

The Gear That Makes It Possible

Backpacking, hiking, and wild camping offer many joys: the challenge, the views, and the ability to switch off. But one crucial element makes all these experiences possible—the gear we take. From the tent we choose to the clothing we change into at camp, these items make our trips comfortable. Realizing my love for outdoor gear was my eureka moment. If I couldn’t do something hands-on in the fells, I’d do the next best thing: supply the gear that enables others to enjoy the outdoors.

Building The Gear Cottage

I started thinking about the gear I love and what others might find interesting. Having tried A LOT of backpacking gear, I know what works and what doesn’t. I noticed that a lot of innovative ultralight backpacking gear is only available in the USA and is difficult to import to the UK. These American cottage brands make some of my favorite gear, so I wanted to make these items more accessible in the UK. Thus, the idea for The Gear Cottage was born. I reached out to some of the amazing cottage brands I’ve bought from in the past and began building my website. Things slowly started to come together, bringing us to the present day.

Looking Forward

There are still many brands we’d love to get on board, and we’re working on making that happen soon. We’re proud to stock the amazing cottage brands that have already joined our journey and are grateful to them.

Join Us on This Journey

Starting The Gear Cottage has been an incredible journey, from the initial idea to the store launch. We’re still in the early stages, but doing something I’m extremely passionate about is exciting, and I look forward to the future! Don’t forget to follow our socials (Facebook here) (Instagram here) to stay updated on new stock releases, and I hope to see you at The Gear Cottage! Stay tuned for future posts where we’ll be talking all things gear.

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